
Smart Cities – Cities of the Future conference encourages cities to invest in smart solutions



We participated in the Fifth Smart Cities – Cities of the Future conference held in Zagreb and organized by Poslovni dnevnik, Croatian business journal. Conference is organized to raise awareness of the need to apply smart city concepts with the aim of improving the quality of life of citizens.

The exhibitors emphasized that many companies in Croatia can offer numerous software and hardware solutions that can enhance the functioning of cities and many benefits that come with smarter cities, for citizens, as well for city government and tourists. It is important to point out that implementing smart solutions in cities is a step towards environmental sustainability. 


Eccos developed a platform that allows city administration to manage cities in a new, smarter way, using digital technologies. The Eccos Smart City Enablement Platform (ESCEP) is a comprehensive solution that ensures optimal use of existing resources, care for a safe and sustainable environment, and provides access to personalized information to all service users. The solution is applicative and consists of modules that can be activated separately, but can also be adapted to existing third party systems depending on the client’s needs. Please read more about the platform itself by clicking on the link here.