Since 2009, Eccos has implemented a quality management system in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard. The implementation of this standard provides a framework for continuous increase in quality by providing complete solutions in the fields of safety and security, audiovisual communications, parking management systems, development of software solutions, data centers, automation, energy efficiency and electrical engineering in industry, building construction, energy and other fields.
Since 2011, Eccos has been raising environmental awareness in its organization by implementing the environmental management system in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard. The implementation of this standard is an indication of the commitment to continuously improve environmental protection and reduce negative impacts that are the consequence of day-to-day operations and emergency situations. By implementing the environmental management system, the company committed itself to waste management of all types of waste generated during day-to-day operations and to the rational use of energy resources. The company is obliged to keep records, carry out monitoring and continuously improve the system.
Since 2017, Eccos operates in accordance with the SCC standard, i.e. the company obtained a safety certificate for manufacturers, contractors and service providers. This certificate verifies that our company and our employees apply the occupational safety, health and environmental management system. Due to employee training, appropriate protective equipment and special instructions on preventing accidents and incidents, this certificate enables us to work in extremely hazardous conditions.
Since Eccos has a stable and effective occupational health and safety management system for almost ten years now, by introducing ISO 45001 2019 standard, the system has been additionally strengthened and improved. The work performed by our engineers and technicians requires a high level of application of the occupational safety rules, regular medical examination and training for working in special conditions, such as live working or work at height. In order to provide these trainings, it is required a close cooperation between human resource department, occupational safety specialists and management system managers, and by introducing standards, we have strengthened this link and established the manner of sharing information.
In 2019, Eccos introduced the energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 standard with the intention of monitoring and rationalization of consumption of significant energy sources such as fuel, water, electricity, gas, etc.
In 2019, by introducing the information security management system in accordance with ISO 27001 standard, Eccos provides better protection of all personal, financial, accounting, technical, and other data that we are obliged to keep not only under the law, but also for the efficiency of our business processes. Since we actively communicate on a daily basis with our employees, customers, partners, suppliers, subcontractors, etc., it is important to have complete control over the flow of information and to adequately protect information on orders, prices, deadlines and shipments, as well as personal data that in some cases need to be provided and/or processed.
Eccos obtained a license issued by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia to perform business activities of private protection – safety and security. At the same time, all security technicians have valid passes issued by the Ministry of the Interior, following security checks and exams in the area of private protection. Thus, Eccos is fully in line with the legal regulations of the Republic of Croatia in the field of private protection – safety and security, and is licensed to design, implement and maintain safety and security systems at all levels of complexity.
Eccos was issued a Security Clearance by the Office of the National Security Council after carrying out a security clearance and establishing that there are no obstacles to security clearance and that the prescribed information security measures and standards have been applied. Eccos was thus authorized to conclude national and international classified contracts with the state bodies of the Republic of Croatia, the NATO and EU bodies, as well as the state bodies of NATO and EU member states.
Eccos has a project manager at the global level within the PMI Institute, the international association for project management.
A number of our engineers are members of the Chamber as certified electrical engineers and/or certified construction managers.
Eccos is under technical supervision of the Croatian Ex-Agency, and the Agency issued a positive opinion regarding the fulfilment of explosion protection requirements. The company is authorized to manufacture and install the equipment in areas at risk of explosive atmospheres (Ex-areas).
Eccos is a qualified service provider of automatic liquid level gauges in immobile tanks.