
Eccos day 2019 – Another successful year of Eccos’s business



On December 5th, Eccos held another Eccos day at the Antunović Hotel in Zagreb, an annual event where the company traditionally brings together its customers, partners and associates from Croatian and foreign markets.

More than 300 guests had the opportunity to hear about Eccos’s successful business results, with an emphasis on the nearly completed 2019 year and plans and contracted projects for 2020. Following a four-year contract with the European Commission last year, the list of exported projects has expanded, and projects in Podgorica, Ljubljana, Sarajevo and Belgrade have been successfully completed. Eccos also presented the launch of a new partnership in 2019 with Sevo Systems, a specialized and eco-friendly U.S. manufacturer of fire extinguishing systems.

Four lectures during the conference program were delivered by Eccos, while Marijo Kolovrat from Avigilon, Eccos’s partner with whom Eccos entered the second year of successful collaboration, delivered the fifth lecture.

In his introduction, Eccos’s general manager Krešimir Paić mentioned larger project that were finished this year, of which there were about 130 in total, and their value exceed double-digit million kunas. “Eccos is one of the few Croatian companies that has its own resources for providing complete electrical engineering services at large facilities and is capable of performing all the work (design, installation, commissioning, user education, maintenance, etc.) throughout the life of the facilities”, said Krešimir Paić. In support of this is the Port of Gaženica that was proclaimed for the port of the year at the prestigious Seatrade Europe conference in Hamburg where Eccos perform complete electrical engineering work.




New forms of port security were presented by Senior Developer, Josip Nižetić. Specifically, at the example of the Port of Ploče, he explained functioning of the integrated system in detail with the aim of raising the level of port security and speeding up the process of entries and exits of trucks in the port by linking the safety and security system with the announcements for vehicles.

Mario Samardžija, Project Manager in the Automation Department, gave a presentation on the energy consumption monitoring system at the facilities of ABS Sisak d.o.o. where he explained why there was a need to control energy consumption at all, why Eccos was chosen as the system supplier and the characteristics of the system itself.

Advanced solutions in parking management as part of the smart city concept were presented by Ivan Bilać, Sales Manager. The concept of a smart city is well known for Eccos, they developed their own solution – Eccos Smart City Enablement Platform (ESCEP), whose implementation increase the management of existing urban infrastructure, and has many benefits for the city government as well as for citizens and tourists.

Avigilon’s guest lecturer, regional sales manager Marijo Kolovrat, presented the revolutionary technology they use in the field of video surveillance. Avigilon offers end-to-end solutions in the areas of video surveillance and access control. Today they have over a thousand developed patents, and one of the interesting things that Marijo pointed out is that already in 2007 they developed a 16 MP camera.

As the number of projects and the number of Eccos’s employees increase from year to year, Eccos day 2019 was, as expected, most successful so far, and projects presented and the presentation of new solutions and their implementation on concrete examples confirmed Eccos’s seriousness, expertise and professionalism.