
Eccos fiscal solution for Skidata parking systems



From this year onwards, all self-service machines for parking fee payment that issue invoices are obliged to fiscalize them. Eccos has successfully fiscalized all parking payment machines manufactured by Skidata.  A legal novelty is the requirement to print a QR code on each fiscal invoice. By scaning the QR code, the end user (customer) is forwarded to the website of the tax administration where he receives information about the fiscalized invoice.
Eccos’s solution for fiscal payers is fully integrated into the Skidata environment. The solution enables easy monitoring of all fiscal cash registers in the system through a central web interface. Integration with SkiData’s interface allows the operator to get clear insight into status of fiscal payment machines through SkiData’s Parking.Logic control center. Operator perform configuration details and issue company invoices through a web application that is available to the operator in a few clicks through Parking.Logic module ‚External application‘.

Cash register operators
All existing parking system operators are defined in the SkiData Parking.Logic application, and automatically logged in to the web application. Independence of the cash register operator is achieved by the central import of a private fiscal certificate that an operator with administrator rights can now easily import by uploading it through a web application. Now, the intervention of the contractor of the fiscal solution is no longer needed. Also, each machine fiscalizes locally, saving the transaction to its own file system, and if it is not possible to perform fiscalization at a given time, subsequent fiscalization (‚refiscalization‘) will be performed automatically when the self-service device reconnects with the tax administration.

Duplicate invoices or company invoices are issued by selecting the billing machine or cash register, information about the operator issuing the invoice and company customer dana. Before issuing an invoice, the operator gets a preview of the invoice layout and can choose to print the invoice or download it as a .pdf document. The invoice format is defined in the invoice layout wizard where parts of the invoice layout can be modified such as headers, footers, company logo images, etc. Since the original invoices are created on a self-service payment machines locally (via the SkiData Parking.Logic application), they need to be collected in a central place for subsequent reporting or printing of duplicate invoices. For this purpose, synchronization services have been developed. They monitor the operation of an individual self-service machine and collect data in a central application, and a backup copy of all transactions from the machine is saved on the central server. Because of the all mentioned above, additional reliability of the complete application system is obtained. In addition to issuing invoices, it is possible to export all transactions in Microsoft Excel format (for financial audits, etc.) via the web application. All company invoice customers can sign up through the web application, and there is also the option of automated import via a .csv file.

At the end of the day, notifications of fiscal services are sent to the Skidata control center which provides detailed insight for the operator into the proper operation of the fiscal solutions and the possibility of faster intervention in case of problems. In addition to the standard fiscalization functionality, premium support to the reporting module is available, which includes user support, new releases of the application, secure data storage in the cloud, a remote monitoring system, a set of upgradeable and customizable reports, and easier control and comparison of two or more parking lots according to various criteria.